Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, while presiding over a review meeting of the Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation (HPTDC) at his official residence Oak Over Shimla on Sunday evening, announced plans to open three high-end hotels along the Kiratpur-Manali four-lane road. The aim of this initiative is to provide enhanced facilities for tourists and […]
There is no better time to pack your bag and hit the road than the month of Spring. There is enough chillness in the air minus the biting cold. It is that time of year to finally plan your long pending dream tours. The vast natural diversity of India has given us ample scope to […]
Amidst all the dynamics of wildlife – the flora and fauna, all the debates on conservation, all the stories and path-breaking documentaries – remain hidden under the shades of the green bushes, ‘unglamorous’ stories of everyday struggle and unconditional dedication and love for nature that they also call home. “They” are the unsung heroes of […]