Seclude Palampur qualifies as finalists at the Make My Trip Homestay Awards
New Delhi, September 12, 2022: Seclude, a major participant in the homestay industry in India and a pioneer in creating “hotels home style,” has qualified its Seclude Palampur property as a finalist in the category of the most environmentally friendly resort. More than 2500 other entries and more than 5 lakh votes were cast in addition to the property. On Make My Trip, more than 32,000 homestays have been registered. The recognition will help create consistency throughout the homestay market.
A five-bedroom villa called Seclude Palampur was constructed using materials that were readily available locally, including mud, straw, wood, and bamboo. A living tree is incorporated into the Red Cedar Home, a one-bedroom cottage on the property, according to its design. Homestays are a newly emerging category that is rapidly expanding and has established itself as the top option for travellers seeking authentic local experiences. Homestays are currently valued at north of INR 3,000 crore in India, operating in a fragmented ecosystem, with more than 70% of them being unregistered, according to sources. According to studies from the Ministry of Tourism, IAMAI, and Noesis, there are currently more than 2.5 crore vacant rooms.
Ramit Sethi, Founder, Seclude, says that “Homestays have emerged as a really exciting category within travel and tourism and this award validates our vision to be the largest and most well-known player in the ecosystem. I truly believe that branded Homestays will continue to grow fast since they deliver an authentic and reliable experience which is much more memorable to the guest,”
Seclude ties up with properties, reconditioning them according to modern and sustainable trends, improving their revenue-generating potential. Seclude aims to organise the fragmented homestay ecosystem with a team of 130 employees who help upcycle and ‘make-over’ these properties by adding more value using environmentally sustainable, local products.