agreement between YIAOL and AAI for Air Navigation Services at Noida International Airport

Delhi, February 28, 2022: As part of the development plan for Noida International Airport (NIA), Yamuna International Airport Private Limited (YIAPL) has signed an agreement with Airport Authority of India (AAI) for the provision of Air Navigation Services which includes Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance Systems and Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM). One of the conditions of the concession for NIA, the agreement defines terms and conditions for the provision of CNS/ATM services by AAI at NIA.
As part of the agreement, AAI will plan and procure CNS/ATM equipment, install, and commission the equipment and provide air traffic services for aircraft intended for Noida International Airport. NIA will plan and build all relevant aeronautical facilities according to national and international norms laid down by MOCA, DGCA and ICAO. NIA and AAI will set up a joint coordination committee to monitor the implementation of the agreement.
Mr. Christoph Schnellmann, Chief Executive Officer, Yamuna International Airport Private Limited said, “The CNS/ATM agreement with the Airport Authority of India is another milestone in our journey towards the development of Noida International Airport, whilst ensuring cost efficient aeronautical processes. We are looking to partner with AAI to ensure safe, efficient, and cost-effective ATM services for the airlines operating at NIA. Our vision is to provide customer-focused airport operations in a collaborative environment at NIA.”
Mr. Anil Pathak, Member Planning, Airport Authority of India (AAI) said, “We are pleased to partner with Noida International Airport, to provide Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance Systems for Air Traffic Management to enable smooth and efficient operations at the airport. We are enthusiastically looking forward to the development of NIA as it will be a major milestone in Indian aviation as a second sustainable airport serving the NCR”.
NIA will be India’s leading airport in terms of customer-service, efficiency, digital services, and logistics with minimal environmental impact. NIA is looking forward to the close collaboration with AAI in installing state-of-the art CNS/ATM equipment to ensure uninterrupted 24/7 operations at Noida International Airport.